Illinois:Last Updated Tue Nov 28 19:13:58 2017 |
* Rolling Meadows Police Department Rolling Meadows Police Department employs 52 full-time officers plus 19 civilian support employees who enjoy a modern police facility which contains a fully equipped exercise center and locker rooms, as well as pistol range, and spacious parking for its fleet of vehicles. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life by maintaining order, protecting life and property, and reducing the fear of crime.
Added [ Illinois ] 2010/07/24 00:10:50 |
* Stockton Police Department The Stockton Police Department was organized in 1890 to serve the safety and welfare of the citizens of Stockton. The Department conducts routine police functions, investigating traffic accidents, criminal investigations and assistance with other emergency services within Jo Daviess County. The Department is proactive in giving seminars to schools, senior citizen groups, business, youth
and civic groups with various topics of law and safety issues pertaining to that groups’ particular
Added [ Illinois ] 2010/07/24 00:27:49 |
* Decatur Police Department The Decatur City Code identifies the responsibility of the Decatur Police Department as the protection of life and property, the protection of rights of persons, the enforcement of ordinances and regulations and the preservation of peace, order and safety. The Department's Crime Prevention Unit assists citizens of our community to help reduce their chances of becoming a victim of crime and to inform citizens how they can assist law enforcement with information, yet remain anonymous.
Added [ Illinois ] 2010/07/24 00:48:24 |
* Kankakee County Sheriff's Department Have accepted the honor and trust placed
Upon us by the citizens of Kankakee County for
their Safety and Well being. We are committed to providing Protection and Service while preserving the rights of all. We believe in a partnership created between Law Enforcement and our citizens for the reduction of crime and the fear of crime.
Added [ Illinois ] 2008/03/22 09:25:44 |
* South Elgin Police Department The Police Department is responsible for the 24 hour a day, 7day a week protection of the residents, business community and guests of the Village. In addition to crime prevention, patrol, investigations, traffic enforcement, evidence procurement, communications, and records, the department is proud of its commitment to training, youth programs and community service.
Added [ Illinois ] 2008/03/05 00:20:31 |
* Wood Dale Police Department The mission of Wood Dale Police Department is to enhance the quality of life in the City by working cooperatively with the public, protecting constitutional rights by enforcing the law, preserving the peace, reducing fear of crime and providing a safe community environment to live and work. The police department consists of 54 full time personnel (34 Sworn and 19 Non-Sworn employees).
Added [ Illinois ] 2008/03/05 01:22:51 |
* Chicago Police Department The Bureau of Patrol is responsible for general field operations. This includes the protection of life and property; apprehension of criminals; use of the problem-solving process to address chronic crime and disorder problems; providing district law enforcement personnel with support that is consistent with beat, district, and strategic operational plans; and enforcement of traffic laws and ordinances.
Added [ Illinois ] 2008/03/05 01:51:48 |
* Village Of Sleepy Hollow Police Department You will find links to many police agencies with a wealth of information for everyone. Hopefully this link to the information highway will help educate you from the police officer's viewpoint so that you may better understand the need for trust between the police and the citizens.
Added [ Illinois ] 2008/02/06 08:40:21 |
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