Virginia Police Departments ....

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* Hampton Police Division
The Hampton Police Division takes pride in its solid historic tradition, and our employees' commitment to the highest quality service to our citizens. Many of our innovative ideas have received national recognition and we continually seek to implement progressive strategies that identify the Division as a leader among contemporary law enforcement agencies.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/11/21 14:33:56

* Covington Division Of Police
The mission of the Covington Division of Police is to partner with the residents and businesses of our community in order to provide a safe and secure environment for our citizens and guests. With community service as our foundation, we are driven to enhance the quality of life, investigating problems as well as incidents, seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security in the community. We nurture public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and professional ethics.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/11/15 17:36:22

* Norfolk Police Department
The Norfolk Police Department shall provide protection and police service responsive to the needs of the people of Norfolk. The department, established in 1797, is one of the oldest in the United States and has enjoyed an illustrious history of service. Police Department employees, both sworn and civilian, demonstrate daily that Norfolk’s citizens can count on their police department. With pride and courage, we relentlessly pursue our mission to protect and serve.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/08/17 16:59:30

Richmond Police Department
The Richmond Police Department currently has about 750 sworn officers and about 130 civilians. The sworn officers patrol the streets, investigate crimes, and help problem-solve with the community. Civilians serve in a variety of functions from forensics technicians to crime analysts to crime prevention specialists. If you would like to have someone teach crime prevention to a group, class, or neighborhood meeting. Contact the Community Care Unit at (804)646-4395.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/06/21 04:35:01

* Richmond City Sheriff's Office
The Richmond City Sheriff's Office is responsible for maintaining a secure jail and a safe court system, along with seamless inmate transport and civil process to preserve public safety. We remain committed to performing these duties with unsurpassed integrity and professionalism, with progressive training that incorporates best practices and technology. While partnering with the community, we strive to lower recidivism by providing faith-based and community-based programming.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/06/21 04:53:36

* Virginia Beach Police Department
The Virginia Beach Police Department is committed to providing a safe community and improving the quality of life for all people. We accomplish this by delivering quality police services and enforcing laws with equity and impartiality. In partnership with the community, we reduce crime through public education, prevention, and awareness. In meeting this objective, we demand of ourselves the highest professional standards and dedication to our core values.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/06/21 16:11:07

* Waynesboro Police Department
The Waynesboro Police Department is dedicated to the safety and well being of the citizens of, and visitors to, the City of Waynesboro. We are in partnership with the community to provide a strong, safe, and secure environment in which the citizens of Waynesboro can live, work, play and prosper.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/06/21 16:26:08

* Winchester Police Department
The Winchester Police Department is committed to improving the quality of life for all people by preventing crime in the city. We will accomplish this by enforcing the law with impartiality, creating partnerships through communication and education, and problem solving using innovative policing strategies. The patch features a combination of historic symbols, including the British Union Jack, the Virginia state seal, the Confederate Square, the flag displayed by the federal troops during the Civil War, and the American Indian.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/06/21 16:45:13

* City Of Fairfax Police Department
We hope you will find interesting and useful information, not only about our many Police Department services and programs, but also information which will help enhance your safety and that of the community. The men and women of the Department are committed to providing professional police services of the highest quality.

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/02/11 01:57:29

* Danville Police Department
The patch of the Danville Police Department is divided into four quadrants that represent the four cornerstones of Danville's economy. The top quadrant depicts the textile industry that has dominated Danville for over fifty years. The right quadrant depicts the higher education opportunities available in Danville. Danville's requtation as the hub of the region's tobacco industry is represented in the bottom quadrant. The confluence of roads, railroads, and air traffic in the left quadrant symbolizes Danville's status for over 200 years as the "Gateway To The South".

Edit Details Added [ Virginia ] 2008/02/11 02:14:08

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